Blog about fly fishing in Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. With some hiking and outdoor adventures. Fishing for trout and steelhead in lakes and rivers.
Renzetti Master Vise Review
This last December I treated myself to a Renzetti Master M6014 Vise. I
exercised some self control, and despite my excitement, I tested the vise
Westside…South Fork of the Kings River…
So Ally, Nick and Mika took brief trip up to the Westside of the Sierra to
roads end on the South Fork of the Kings River … Map of the area… Looking
West ...
Gettin' Any ?
*Madison Up*
*gallatin down*
.. Well it looks like *La NiƱa *has kicked some snow toward our corne...
An Interview with Marc Bale
Here's a great listen: an interview with my company's long-time VP of
Sales, Marc Bale. He has been called "The Most Interesting Man in Fly
Fishing", and ...
Wonder Wake
Fly tied in hand by Adrian Cortes. I wrote this story years ago and
recently modified it to be read in Second Person. This year I finally
stopped wonderin...
So Long, Friends
*I have decided to shut down this blog.*
*As you have gathered by now,* my family and I have moved. We're back in
the Midwest. It was time. After ten ye...
Mini Chubby Fly Tying Tutorial
PATTERN DESCRIPTION: The Mini Chubby Chernobyl was my best fly pattern in
2015. I started fishing this pattern in the middle of June and continued to
fish ...
This Fly Will Make your Jaw Drop. Guaranteed!
Fly Fishing Idaho There is no denying that us frenziers like to throw some
meat in the fall in search of nice browns. We venture out as much as time
New fish. For some reason being busy has limited
my posts. I'm focusing on fishing the fly more this year and hopefully can
keep ...
Watching "Trout TV Show" yesterday
Yesterday got to be a bit too much inside time. I eventually turned on the
television, and I found "Trout TV" (see
[image: trouttv]
Uruguay Freshwater Dorado (Fishing in The Zone)
A few weeks ago, I got the chance to travel south to Uruguay to fish for
freshwater dorado in THE place to catch them; in the Uruguay River, right
below Sa...
Improved Sparkle Dun
I tried this a long time before. Thought I was the only one doing this.
Then, I found a youtube video by Craig Mathews of Blue Ribbon Flies and
find tha...
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